bat surveys yorkshire

The ecologists at Oatlands Ecology are experienced otter surveyors.
We can:
• Determine at an early stage whether a development is likely to have an impact on otters
• Carry out otter surveys
• Prepare Method Statements to prevent impacts to otters
• Successfully apply for EPS Mitigation Licences
• Design and execute mitigation to offset impacts to otters

Otters occur in rivers, canals, large drainage ditches, lakes, quarry pits and coastal areas. Otters suffered a catastrophic decline in the 1960s and 1970s becoming very rare and even extinct in many parts of the UK.  However, cleaner rivers, re-introduction programmes and legislative protection have enabled otters to re-colonise in much of their former range and they are now widespread across much of the UK. 

Otters are a European Protected Species and both they and their holts are fully protected under Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 and it is an offence to kill, injure or disturb this species without the relevant EPS Mitigation Licence.

They are listed as a Species of Principal Importance under Section 41 of the NERC Act 2006 and are a UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Species. Local planning authorities therefore have a legal duty to consider impacts to otters as a result of any development close to water prior to granting planning permission.

See our Survey Calendar for optimal survey and mitigation times